Smart Wiring
Anyone considering building a new house will have heard someone mention structured cabling or smart wiring, and how important it is to be able to use the technologies available to us, and be prepared for those that are just around the corner.
So what are they actually talking about?
Smart Wiring delivers and distributes data, phone, video, audio and TV signals using the latest in data and audio visual cables from a centrally located enclosure to specially configured wall outlets in any room of your choice. Structured cabling using a Hub is preferably planned to be completed prior to plastering. The central enclosure is home to the devices that enable the delivery and distribution of these signals. It also houses the security system central controller.
An ideal location for the central enclosure is a garage or utility room.
• Future Proofs your Home
• Provides for stable Networking and efficient Wi-Fi
• Allows for Cable TV
• Able to Distribute Foxtel – CCTV – DVD – to any TV in the Home
• Allows you to Prepare for future developments such as the NBN
• Installed by approved Smart Wired Technicians
Future Planning
It is important to plan in which rooms you would like to access data, phone, video, audio and TV. This planning is important to you now and to future owners of your home because it adds flexibility and value. The use of a room could change over time. A nursery now will become a teenager’s bedroom, and possibly a study or home office in the future. In order to access or share these signals, cables along with wall outlets, containing standard data and TV entertainment points need to be installed.
Keep in mind that if you’re building a double storey home or a single storey with a flat roof, it’s imperative you get this right. Often what you leave out today either cannot be done later or is very difficult and expensive.
The internet plays such a big role in our everyday lives so ensuring that you get this right in the home is so important. We help plan and recommend where data points should be located to ensure that you can have hardwired connections to certain devices like TVs, Computers & Printers but also be able to properly establish an excellent wireless network.
Again all cabling will be directed back to the Hub where a network switch will be provided. This ensures easy access and keeps your study clean of many cables.